RFID Label & Tag

RFID Label is the Future of Packaging
Smart packaging technologies such asradio-frequency identification (RFID) are on the rise, according to a survey, with modern, mature technologies available andaffordable, 90% companies are rethinking their packaging.
What is RFID?
RFID is a contactless automaticidentification technology. Compared with other identification methods, RFIDtechnology has the advantages of fast response speed, high recognition rate,contactless and simple to operate. It’s passive, Manual intervention are not berequired during The recognition process, Multiple moving targets can beidentified.
Whis ia RFID Tag?
RFID Tags are small objects that contain achip and an antenna for wireless identification of the objects they areattached to (or embedded in) with the help of an RFID reader. RFID tags have threecommon frequency ranges of operation: Low frequency (125 kHz – 134 kHz), HighFrequency (13.56 MHz), and Ultra High Frequency (860-960 MHz).
Nowadays, RFID tag is widely used in inventory,Temperature, postal, transportation, commodity management, etc.